Aglaonema Sapphire or Aglaonema Jazzed Gems – Buy Now


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Pot Size : 13cmpp

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Aglaonema Sapphire

Aglaonema Sapphire or Aglaonema Jazzed Gems ‘Sapphire Suzanne’ is a showy houseplant displaying dark green leaves with leaf edges that glow reddish pink. The foliage is carried on lovely pale pink stems. Bright indirect light will bring out the best colour in your home. Chinese evergreens are slow growing and low maintenance. They prefer well-drained soils, and should be allowed to slightly dry between watering, this plant makes a colourful accent and is tolerant of low light conditions. Protect from frost!

Plant care tips:

  • Sunlight: Bright indirect sunlight.
  • Watering: Moderately, alternate day.
  • Soil: The soil should be well drained and fertile for growing Aglaonema Sapphire plant.
  • Maintenance: low maintenance.
  • Special features: easy to grow, ornamental plant.
  • Repotting: Chinese Evergreens are easy-going and it is sufficient to repot them once in 2 years. Use a good potting soil.
  • Propagation: Propagation of Aglaonema Sapphire is hassle free. They propagate through the cut off tip just like a stem tip cutting. Another method of propagation is through division but the plant needs to be older and root bound for that to work.

Plant protection & care:

  1. Drooping of leaves is an indication of improper light or water requirements. Too much of light makes the leaves weak and floppy. Move your plant away from the harsh light to avoid droopy leaves.
  2. Browning of leaves is caused due to overwatering or excessive use of fertiliser.
  3. Yellow and small leaves are a sign of copper deficiency. Either, the soil is lacking in copper, in which case you need to use a micronutrient spray. Second, cooler temperatures (<18℃) causes the plant to insufficiently absorb and utilise copper, in which case you need to move the plant to a warmer area or in more sunlight.


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